September Centre Update

Fall is here! We are excited to share what has been happening this September at Trafalgar Oaks!

Open House on November 15th:

We are so excited to host our annual open house on November 15, 2023. This open house will showcase Trafalgar Oaks to prospective families. The event is by RSVP only our list is currently full. We are so excited!

Preschool 3’s Monarch Butterfly Friends:

Preschool 3 is proud to show off Monarch butterflies that hatched this past week! The two Monarchs are both females which the preschoolers identified by their lack of black spots at the top of their wings. They have since been set back into the wild!

Centre Learning Programs:

We are proud to share that we have begun our Fall learning programs at Trafalgar Oaks!

Suzie Sunshine Music Classes have started and will finish in June 2024.

Our Preschool Readiness Program has started and will finish the end of December.

Our Kindergarten Heggerty Program has started and will wrap up for the school year in June 2024.

We are excited for the rest of Fall at Trafalgar Oaks!

July Centre Update

We are excited to share what we have been up to for the month of July!

Another visit from MP Pam Damoff:

We were so excited to have MP Pam Damoff visit our centre once again to check in on our Canada Summer Jobs Student as well as meet with the children and staff in the centre. Trafalgar Oaks is proud to continue our participation in the program.

Beating the summer heat!

All of the summer heat waves had us thinking up some fun ideas for the children! We had an ice cream truck come for a visit and all the children and staff got a yummy frozen treat. Our water play days have also continued to be a popular activity for the children and always ends in smiles and laughs! We also had a centre wide pizza picnic day and it was a hit with the children, who doesn’t love a picnic outside!