View our Parent Handbook (click link) for all information related to our centre and program.

Group Sizes and Ratios

  • Toddler One and Two Classes ages 18 months - 2.6 years with a group size of 15 children and ratio is 3 teachers for 15 children (1:5)

  • Preschool One, Two, and Three Classes ages 2.6 - 4 years with a group size of 16 children and ratio is 2 teachers for 16 children (1:8)

Reduced ratios occur between 7:30 and 9am and after 4:30 pm as per CCEYA. Children eligible for Kindergarten each fall who are not withdrawing over the summer, will have their last day with us August 31st.


Trafalgar Oaks Child Care & Learning Centre offers a healthy, nutritious menu for the children in our care. Our lunches and snacks are delivered daily from Wholesome Kids Catering. View a sample of our menu here!

What is Emergent Curriculum? 

Key Components of Emergent Curriculum:

  • An emergent curriculum is constantly evolving in response to children’s changing needs and interests.  It is child-initiated allowing for collaborations between children and teachers, giving everyone a voice.

  • It is responsive to the child, thereby allowing teachers to build upon existing interests.

  • The teacher takes on the role of facilitator.  She listens to the children and spends much time observing their play. Through these observations, she builds on to their learning by providing children with the opportunity to discover more and dig deeper.

  • Emergent Curriculum is flexible.  Planning is not done far in advance.  The program is constantly developing.  It does not become stagnant or repetitive.

  • It provides visual documentation of teacher’s observations of children’s interests and thought processes through the use of portfolios, webbing and other forms of documentation.  Photographs are frequently used as a source of documentation.

What is Play - Based Learning?

Play ‐ Based Learning provides opportunities for children to develop a sense of the world around them through inquiry, exploration, interaction and problem solving.

Play develops children’s content knowledge and provides children the opportunity to develop social skills, competencies, and disposition to learn. When children engage in real‐life and imaginary activities, play can challenge children’s thinking. Additionally, children learn best through first‐hand experiences… The purpose of play‐active learning is that it motivates, stimulates and supports children in their development of skills, concepts, language acquisitions/ communication skills and concentration.

Teachers help enhance play‐based learning by creating environments in which rich play experiences are available. Providing the right materials and creating a space that is focused around the needs of the children in the room, teachers become facilitators of child led learning. These rich play experiences create powerful connections and naturally build on all domains of a child’s development.

How Does Learning Happen?

How Does Learning Happen? is organized around four foundational conditions that are important for children to grow and flourish: belonging, well-being, engagement and expression. These foundations are a vision for all children’s future potential and a view of what they should experience every day. They apply regardless of age, ability, culture, language, geography, or setting and are conditions that children naturally seek for themselves.

  • Belonging: refers a sense of connectedness to others

  • Well-being: addresses the importance of physical and mental health and wellness

  • Engagement: suggests a state of being involved and focused.

  • Expression: or communication (to be heard, as well as to listen) may take many different forms. Exploring materials to support creativity, problem solving, mathematical behaviours and communication skills, which are foundational for literacy.

A focus on these foundations throughout all aspects of early years programs ensures optimal learning and healthy development.

Additional Programming

Kindergarten Readiness: Our Kindergarten Readiness Program takes place for 5 weeks in June. Children who will be eligible for kindergarten that fall will engage in a readiness program to be sure that while they have been in the preschool program, they have acquired the skills needed to begin their next season of learning. Children will be assigned to small Teacher led groups which will meet 3 times each week for the month, to acquire and refine KG readiness skills such as pre reading and pre-writing (not limited to actually writing and recognizing words) fine motors skills (holding a pencil properly, cutting with scissors) self-help (toileting, dressing and undressing for outside) and more. The KG Readiness Teacher will document children’s learning and acquiring of skills on a Progress Report. At the end of June, parents will be provided the report and can continue to work on skills/refine skills throughout the summer in preparation for the fall school year.

Preschool Readiness: Children who are not quite old enough to move to preschool in the fall will engage in our Preschool Readiness program.  This will be implemented from September – January (14 weeks) as a method to be sure that while they remain in the toddler program, they are being challenged and acquire the skills needed to begin their next season of learning when they move to Preschool. Children will engage in activities that will focus on fine Motor skills such as Free Hand Control and Bi-Lateral Coordination, as well as Pre math skills.

Language: Our Language Program provides an opportunity for children to be exposed to and begin learning both the French and Mandarin languages. The curriculum has been designed in a way that incorporates songs, stories and hands on activities at a developmental level where the children will be able to build on their language skills and expand their knowledge and awareness of languages. Lesson Plans are developed and implemented by each of our French and Mandarin teachers following a structured curriculum. Our Language Program runs once a week, beginning each fall and ending late spring.

Music: Our Music Program is provided by Suzanne Brown, AKA Suzie Sunshine, a lifelong music student, song writer, award winning author and childcare worker. Her program “Music Fun With Suzie Sunshine” exposes the children to a wide variety of music styles from classical to jazz as well as fundamental music education. Our Music Program runs bi-weekly, beginning September and ending June. More information about her program can be found here.


Trafalgar Oaks Child Care & Learning centre strives to provide an inclusive environment.  This includes supports for children regardless of their age, ability, gender, culture/ethnicity or language. This ensures that all children receive the support they need to achieve and enact their developmental and performance potential.  The group environment, routines and programs are adapted as necessary to meet the needs of all children enrolled.  Staff promote partnerships by working collaboratively with families and community supports in order to meet the needs of children.

In combination with our staff members’ education, knowledge and experience in child development, we utilize the Looksee and Ages & Stages checklist to assist in ensuring we are meeting the developmental needs of the children.  Should Educators have any questions regarding a child’s development, a meeting will be held with the parents to discuss next steps.  Next steps may include the implementation of different strategies both for at home and at the centre.  Further steps may also include the recommendation of a Resource Consultant, Speech Pathologist, Occupation Therapist etc. who have specific skills and education in developing goals for families and the centre to do with the children in a specified area.

For more information about our processes, please see our observational guidelines.


Here at Trafalgar Oaks we utilize the messaging app, Slack, to communicate with families and provide information on the classroom programming. The groups are secured and unless invited, no one has access. 

You will be invited to your child’s group only and will not have access to other classrooms.  You are able to direct message through this app.  The #1forevery1 group is for all families and will be communication from me regarding the centre as a whole. 

In order to share any photos of children we will require ALL parents from that group to agree or we will only be able to share classroom photos where children are not identifiable (back of heads) or only the activities being done. Families must check Slack daily for any important information being shared. 


At Trafalgar Oaks Childcare & Learning Centre, a Portfolio is developed for each child upon enrollment. Portfolios contain pictures and documentation of developmental milestones that your child achieves while attending the Centre.


Why Use Portfolios?

  • Observing helps the teachers get to know the children better, teachers can see developmental progress in action.      

  • Demonstrates professionalism and accountability.

  • Provides a developmental background information for new teachers, students and volunteers.

  • Helps to establish developmental goal setting.

Portfolios are a great teaching tool for staff, but they are also a wonderful keepsake when your child has completed his/her time at Trafalgar Oaks.