Over the past year we have been busy at Trafalgar Oaks Child Care and Learning Centre and are proud to announce the new changes occurring in 2023!
Trafalgar Oaks Participating in CWELCC
We are excited to announce that we are participating in the CWELCC (Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care plan)! Effective March 2023, we will be re-structuring the programs we offer. The program change will include the removal of our infant program and will accommodate children ages 18 months to 5 years going from 72 to 78 spaces. These changes to our program have also allowed us to reduce our parent fees by 62% to $28.35 for toddlers and $26.93 for preschoolers.
Our Newly Renovated Classroom
The removal of our infant program has allowed us to renovate that classroom into a bright, new and spacious preschool classroom! This classroom has now gone from a 10-space classroom to a 16-space classroom, increasing our ability to provide care for the community.
Tip from the Teachers
Children are experiencing the world and many things for the first time ever. One of the main new things: food. We have all experienced at one point or another our child seeing a new food and immediately deciding not to try it. A great way to encourage your child to try new foods is to implement this method of “taste testing” which our educators have found helps significantly.
Sit your child down with the food clearly visible to them.
Ask them to touch the food to their lip, once they have done that successfully praise them.
Move to touching the food to their teeth, then touching the food to their tongue, and finally, taking a small taste.
Navigating food with picky eaters can be difficult and they may still not like the food but this method gives them the opportunity to try it and have as little stress through the process as possible!
Kids Say the Darndest Things!
From Ashley Austrew on Twitter:
4-year-old: What did I earn for being good today? Me: My love and affection. 4-year-old: [cries] I don’t want that!